You can check fares, routes and timetables at the website of the bus operator ALSA. The timetables below were correct at the time of publishing but MyNerja.Com cannot take any responsibility for any errors or changes.
The bus station in Nerja is on Avenida Pescia (see map below) and consists of a layby on either side of the road for the buses and a kiosk which sells the tickets (on the north side of the road).
Malaga Airport
To get to and from Malaga airport you have to change at Malaga bus station. There is not much of a walk between bus stops in the station, so it is not too arduous to change buses here, but it does make the journey a relatively long one. There is only one direct bus a week (yes, one per week) between Nerja and the airport on Mondays. 9am from Nerja and 11am from the airport.
Nerja To Malaga
Departs Arrives Duration Single Return Days
06:30 07:55 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFS
07:00 08:45 1h 45min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTF
07:10 09:00 1h 50min 4.13€ 7.47€ SS
07:30 08:45 1h 15min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
08:30 09:30 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
08:55 10:25 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
09:40 10:45 1h 05min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
10:00 11:30 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
10:30 12:00 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFS
11:10 12:45 1h 35min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
11:25 12:45 1h 20min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
12:10 13:15 1h 05min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
12:55 14:25 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
13:40 15:15 1h 35min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
14:35 16:00 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
14:55 16:30 1h 35min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
16:25 17:30 1h 05min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
16:45 18:00 1h 15min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
17:10 18:45 1h 35min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
18:10 19:15 1h 05min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFS
18:40 20:10 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
19:40 21:10 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
19:45 20:45 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ Sunday
20:40 21:45 1h 05min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
21:10 22:40 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
21:55 23:00 1h 05min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
Malaga To Nerja
Departs Arrives Duration Single Return Days
07:00 08:30 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
08:00 08:45 0h 45min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
08:15 09:40 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFS
09:15 10:40 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
10:30 11:30 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
11:00 12:10 1h 10min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
11:00 12:25 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
11:45 13:10 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
12:30 13:30 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
13:00 14:00 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
13:30 14:55 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
14:30 15:55 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
15:00 16:00 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFS
15:15 16:40 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
15:30 16:30 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ Sunday
16:30 17:30 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
17:00 18:00 1h 00min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
17:30 18:45 1h 15min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
18:00 19:30 1h 30min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
18:45 20:00 1h 15min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
19:00 19:45 0h 45min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
20:15 21:40 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
20:30 21:45 1h 15min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
21:00 22:15 1h 15min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
21:30 22:55 1h 25min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
23:00 00:20 1h 20min 4.13€ 7.47€ MTWTFSS
Nerja – Cuevas / Caves
08.30 | 09.40L | 10.40 | 11.30 | 12.25 | 13.10 | 13.30 | 14.55 | 15.55 | 16.40 | 17.30 | 20.00 | 21.40
Cuevas / Caves – Nerja
08.50 | 09.30 | 11.00 | 12.00 | 12.45 | 13:30 | 14:45 | 16.15 | 17:00 | 18:00 | 18.35 | 19:30 | 21.05
Nerja – Maro
06.30L | 10.05F | 11.45L | 12.35L | 18.20 | 20.00 | 20.45 | 21.45
Maro – Nerja
07.15 | 07.25 | 8:45 | 10:00 | 10,55 | 12.45F | 18:30 | 19:55 | 21.00 | 22.00
Nerja – Frigiliana
07.20 | 09.45 | 11.00F | 12.00 | 13.30 | 15.00 | 16.00F | 19.00 | 20.30 (Lunes a Sábados/Mondays to Saturdays)
Frigiliana – Nerja
07.00 | 08.00 | 10.30 | 11.30F | 12.45 | 13.45 | 15.30F | 16.30 | 19.30 | 21.00 (Lunes a Sabado/Mondays to Saturdays
Nerja – La Herradura – Almuñecar
06.30*L | 8.45 | 9.45* | 12.00* | 13.45* | 14.30* | 15.20 | 15.45* | 16.00L* | 16.30*B | 17.00* | 18.00* | 18.30* | 19.15* | 21.45*
Almuñecar – La Herradura – Nerja
07.00* | 8.40* | 10.00*L | 10.30* | 11.00 | 11.30* | 14.00* | 14.20* | 16.15* | 17:30* | 19.30* | 20.00 | 21:15*
Nerja – Granada
06.30L | 9:45 | 14.30 | 15.45 | 17.00 | 19:00
Granada – Nerja
7:00 | 9.00 | 10.15 | 13:00 | 16:00 | 17:30L | 20:00
Malaga – Aeropuerto / Airport
06.25 – 23.35 (Cada 30 minutos appx. / Every 30 minutes appx.)
Aeropuerto / Airport – Malaga
07.00 – 24.00 (Cada 30 minutos appx. / Every 30 minutes appx.)
B Domingos Y Festivos / Only Sundays And Bank Holidays
B* Sábados Y Domingos/ Saturdays And Sundays Only
D Directo / Direct
D* Solo Paradas En Nerja Y Málaga/ Only Stops In Nerja & Málaga
L Lunes A Sabados , No En Fiesta/ Monday To Saturday, No Bank Holidays
F Lunes A Viernes, No En Fiesta / Monday To Friday, No Bank Holidays
S No En Sabados / No Saturdays
* Please check with the bus operator for any changes
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