Action for Animals was started as a UK registered charity in 1997 by Nina Cordoray Downes. Although we are still small, Action for Animals is now also registered in Spain where we have our first charity shop, in the Andalusian village of Competa.

Through our UK branch we continue to support and fund animal rescue projects around the world, while our Spanish organisation is involved in community animal projects, such as financial assistance for neutering programmes.

We are committed to preventing animal cruelty and promoting kindness to animals worldwide, but we can only do that with your assistance. Please help us by making a donation via the web site.

Alternatively, if you live in the Competa area, our shop at Avenida de la Constitución 59 is open from Monday to Friday from 10am till 2pm and Saturday from 10am till 1.30pm. We always need items to sell, so please help us make a difference and bring us your unwanted goods.

There are many ways you can help:

Can you rattle a tin?

If you would like to collect money at school or at your place of work, or maybe ask your local bar or shopkeeper to have a collection box on their premises, then this is an easy way to do it. All you have to do is contact us, tell us your plans and we will send you a collection box.

Looking for a bit of excitement? How about a sponsored event like skydiving or bungee jumping?

Don’t worry, sponsorship doesn’t have to be quite as daring. One of our supporters recently organized a very successful sponsored horse ride, raising over £200 and having a lot of fun at the same time! Could you do something similar?

We can provide personalized sponsorship forms to help you raise funds.


Contact Us


Telephone: +34 660586040

Email Address:

Our Charity Shop in Competa: Avenida de la Constitución 59


Action for Animals
Avenida de la Constitucion 3
Competa 29754 (Malaga)


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