The winners have been announced for this year’s Dia de la Cruz, which took place yesterday the 3rd of May 2013. The overall winner was the cross installed at the top of the pedestrian section of Calle Pintada, which was in the shape of an anchor (pictured). This was created by the businesses in that area.
Second place went to last year’s winners at La Maquinilla (near to the bus station in Nerja). Residents there also had a disco and bar and partied in the street until late, despite the rain which began to fall in the evening.
Third prize went to the cross in the passageway between Calle Pintada and Plaza de España by the brothers Arce.
The children’s prize went to Narixa school for their cross made from recycled materials, such as plastic bottles. Second and third places both went to Maro for the Grupo de Baile de Cristian and Peña Mareña respectively.
The three prizes for the best arropía (honey caramel) went to Asociación de Mujeres Fuente del Badén, Centro de Participación Activa and the cross on calle Pintada. Overall there were fewer crosses on the streets of Nerja than last year, perhaps a sign of the crisis economica.