Nerja’s traditional Papa Noel (Father Christmas) Parade takes place on Tuesday the 23rd of December 2014. The parade starts at the Town Hall (Tourist Information) by the Balcon de Europa at 5pm.

The parade will go along plaza Cavana, calle Carmen, Pintada, Angustias, plaza de la Ermita, calle Granada, plaza Cavana and the Balcón de Europa (to be confirmed). The Papa Noel parade is shorter than the Three Kings parade which takes place on January 5th, but follows the same format, with sweets being thrown from the floats to the children in the crowds.

The Royal Postmen will be in Plaza España (behind the town hall) collecting letters for the Three Kings on the 3rd of January at 5pm.

There will also be activities, including visits from Father Christmas and the Royal Postmen and live music in Maro and Plaza Andalucia on different days during the Christmas period.

Pictures are from previous years parades in Nerja.

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