A British woman was rescued from her apartment in Maro on Friday, after concerned neighbours called the police. The residents on Calle Maravillas de Maro, became concerned after not having seen their neighbour for several days.
On Monday one of the residents offered the lady some soup as she did not appear well. During the week the woman did not go to her usual places, such as the Maro Social Centre and was not answering at her door. Finally the neighbours became so concerned they called the Guardia Civil and the local police. The local police were not able to enter the apartment, despite having a key to the door from the owner of the property, so they called out the fire brigade, who were able to get in via a second floor balcony. The firemen found the woman lying on the floor and although she was conscious she was unable to stand. The woman has been admitted to Velez-Malaga hospital.
We reported last week that Nerja police were called out to rescue an 87 year old man from his flat in Nerja – again, despite having the keys they were unable to gain access due to the door being locked from the inside. The man was also taken to Velez-Malaga hospital.