Marroween 2013Hundreds of people went out in Maro last night (Halloween) for this year’s Chestnut and Sweet Potato Fiesta, also known as Maroween. The festival took place in the main square in Maro with many people coming in fancy dress and prizes were awarded for the best costumes.

Plaza de Maro and calle Real were decorated with tombstones, monsters, and characters from Tim Burton films. The decorations were created by students from the Escuela Taller and Amador Rehak, a special effects expert, who has also designed the event’s poster.

LIve music was provided by the group “Aversiones” and dancing by the Cristian David Callejón dancers and sweet roast chestnuts and sweet potatoes were given out to the crowds.

Photo gallery of last nights events courtesy of Antonio Gallardo below.

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