On Sunday three men posing as workmen bluffed their way into the El Cortes Ingles store in Puerto Banus in Marbella and escaped with an estimated one million euros worth of jewellery.

The robbery took place at around 4pm on Sunday afternoon when the store was closed to the public. The thieves dressed as workmen approached the entrance to the shop and claimed they were there to carry out maintenance works. Once inside they overpowered the three security guards in the building, gagging and handcuffing them. They also handcuffed three other employees in the building.

The criminals immediately made their way to the jewellery section of the shop, stealing numerous items, including three major pieces. The total amount stolen is not known, as an inventory is still ongoing, but is estimated to be in the region of €1 million.

The robbers escaped in a car belonging to one of the guards and the victims remained handcuffed for a further two hours, when one managed to raise the alarm, summoning the police, who subsequently launched a search for the getaway car.

Specialist forensic units from the police have examined the scene of the crime and their investigation is ongoing.

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