Nerja Carnival 2014The Nerja Carnival 2014 Grand Parade went ahead last night as planned, despite the threat of rain, with hundreds of people taking part, watched by large crowds of people lining the route around town.

The final day of the Carnival is today, Sunday the 2nd of March, starting at 11.30am with a fancy dress competition for pets in the marquee in Plaza de España. One hour later there will be a competition for the best child mourning costume.

The Entierro del Chanque (the burial of the sardine) will start at 4.30pm in the marquee, with the Town Band and the funeral procession will start at 5pm along the following route: Calle Carmen, Plaza Cavana, Granada, Plaza de la Ermita, La Cruz, Puerta del Mar and finally Calahonda beach, where the sardine will be blown up, accompanied by fireworks (7pm).

Below is our photo gallery from last nights parade. Click on an image to enlarge.

Photos supplied courtesy of Paco Haro Ramirez and

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