One of Nerja Donkey Sanctuary’s best known donkeys, Woody, sadly passed away over the weekend at the grand old age of 42. For the past two weeks Woody has not been himself, going without his porridge and not enjoying his walks. On Saturday the vet gave the Sanctuary the bad news that Woody had an untreatable tumour that was affecting his throat and spine.

Woody will be sadly missed by volunteers and visitors – he was one of the original seven donkeys that the Sanctuary adopted. He was born in 1971 and was a pedigree donkey. Earlier in his life he worked as a carousel donkey going round in circles at fairgrounds, often carrying adults on his back. Eventually, his legs gave way so they tied him up and left him behind when the fair moved on! Because he had lost his back teeth, he was fed several times a day on a special diet that includes grated apples, grated carrots and porridge oats.

R.I.P. Woody.

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