Nerja Feria 2013Nerja Feria 2013 got underway last night with a concert by the Muncipal Band and Sondelarte followed by a short burst of fireworks at the portico entrance to the fair ground. Day 2 of the Feria starts at midday today with the Day Feria in the streets around Plaza Tutti Frutti and children’s entertainment from La Carpa in the Caseta Municipal (main marquee).

There will also be a procession from the Balcon de Europa to the Plaza de las Angustias of the town’s patron saints, followed by music and fireworks at the plaza. The procession starts after mass is held in the church at the Balcon at 8pm.

Thursday 10th October 2013

Midday to 8.30pm – Day Feria in Calles Antonio Millón, Tutti Frutti, Cristo, Gloria and Pintada. There is also live music on in Calle El Barrio at Vagos bar.

Midday – Caseta Municipal
Children’s entertainment with La Carpa along with entries for the junior Queen and Knight of the Feria for 5-10 year old residents of the town.

1pm – Caseta Municipal
Election of the Junior Queen and Knight of the Feria 2013.

1.30pm – Caseta Municipal “El Cortijo”
Performance by “Pacoyo”.

4pm – Calle Antonio Millón:
Music and dancing from Academia de Baile de Elena, Coro Flamenco El Sarao and SON DEL ARTE .

5.30pm – Live music from LA Cria at Vagos Bar on Calle el Barrio.

8pm – Iglesia de El Salvador:
Mass at the church on the Balcon de Europa in honour of the patron saints of the town accompanied by the Coro de la Peña Nerjeña choir. This will be followed by a procession back to the chapel of Nuestra Señora de las Angustias with fireworks on their arrival.

10pm – Caseta Municipal “El Cortijo”:
Opening of the Caseta with a performance by LOS HADOS NEGROS.

11pm – Caseta Municipal:
Performance by the ALALBA orchestra.

Midnight – Caseta Municipal:
Homage to Marifé de Triana, with ANTONIO CORTÉS, JOANA JIMÉNEZ y ERIKA LEIVA.

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