The Environment Ministry have signed the Preliminary Certificate of Commencement for Nerja’s new waste water treatment plant, which according to the mayor José Alberto Armijo confirms that “there is no obstacle that could hinder the start of construction of Nerja’s new sanitation system”.
The certificate of commencement is one of the last steps in the long drawn out bureaucratic process of licensing the works. According to the mayor, there are various procedures pending, after which the construction contract can be signed, which is expected to take place in November (2013). Once this is signed the Certificate of Commencement can be verified and the actual construction work can finally start, which according to the Mayor, should be in December (2013).
The new plant has been in the planning stages since the 1970′s and the current project was approved by the Government back in April 2011, with the tendering process starting in March 2012. During the tender process, there were a total of 14 proposals, ranging in price from just under €20M to €22M (plus VAT). The funding for the first year of the project has already been allocated in Spain’s national budget, a fact which was confirmed by politicians from the governing Partido Popular party last month.
The plant has to be operational by 2015 which is the deadline set by the European Union. In addition to the treatment plant itself, the planned works includes a network of collectors, outfalls and pumping stations. The plant will have a capacity of between 25,000 and 30,000 cubic meters per day and will allow the reuse of wastewater for irrigation of 20,000 cubic meters. The infrastructure will serve more than 100,000 inhabitants.