For Noche En Blanco Nerja 2013 Programme Of Events please see this page:-
Nerja Noche En Blanco 2013 Programme Of Events.

Nerja Council have organised a poster competition for this year’s “Noche En Blanco” which takes place on the 18th of May 2013. Entrants have until the 19th of April to submit their posters. The winning entry will receive €150 from the council in exchange for the rights to the picture (more details below).

In 2002 the first ‘Nuit Blanche’ took place in Paris, the brainchild of Jean Blaise who wanted towns and cities, for one night a year, to open their galleries and museums and other cultural venues for the whole night, and for the public spaces to be turned into giant performance areas where artists and musicians could perform in a wonderful carnival atmosphere. The first “Noche en Blanco” took place last year in Nerja in May, to coincide with International Museum Day. The programme has not yet been announced for this years event, but last year included free entrance to the museum, music and dancing on the Balcon de Europa and a party in Plaza Espana.

Competition Rules In Brief
The work must be original and not have been submitted in other contests. Be presented with a pseudonym with a sealed envelope to be included in the author’s personal data, appearing on the outside of the poster title and pseudonym. May be made in any pictorial (watercolor, oil, acrylic, computer …), and presented in any medium.

Participants will include the following legend: “II Noche en Blanco de Nerja”, “18 de mayo de 2013”. “Concejalía de Educación y Cultura”, “Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Nerja” accompanied by the shield of the municipality.

The entries will be 45 by 60 cms made in full colour or if created on a computer presented in DIN A3. Unsuccessful entrants will be able to collect their artwork after April 23rd and will have 30 days to do so. In the event that the jury decide that none of the entries are of suitable quality to be used, there will be no prize-winner.

For more information please contact Nerja town hall.

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