Torrecilla RailingsWorkmen from Nerja council have started work removing the last set of old railings from the promenade at Torrecilla beach in preparation for installing new stainless steel railings. This is the final stage in the improvements works that started in April 2012 when the first section of railings at Torrecilla were removed and replaced with shiny new tubular stainless steel railings.

The old railings were installed in 1990 and required annual repainting to withstand the sea air. Despite this level of maintenance, the railings had rusted badly, completely failing in places along the promenade that stretches from the cliffs above El Salon beach beach in the east all the way to El Chucho beach in the west.

Nerja council took the decision to replace the railings at a total cost of €130,000, despite claiming that the Coast Departments are responsible for their upkeep.

Torrecilla Nerja Railings

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