Acupuncture Clinic Nerja * * * * * |
AboutAcupuncturist Anna Lundin, with 21 years of experience in acupuncture, having trained in Sweden and Jiangxi University of Nanchang China has now opened her own Acupuncture Clinic in Nerja, on Calle Granada, close to Plaza Cavana and the Balcon de Europa. As well as traditional acupuncture, the clinic offers a range of other treatments including Acupressure (acupuncture without needles) and Laser Treatment (using lasers that you can't even feel). AcupunctureDid you know that acupressure can help you against: 60 min treatment €40 Ear AcupunctureEar Acupuncture is a simple form of acupuncture, which is very effective and useful! It has been used in China for thousands of years and is now used daily with good results, both in Swedish and international healthcare. In particular, the NADA method used in all forms of addiction: food, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. NADA method consists of a combination of five different points in the ear. One can effectively treat other conditions such as: 30 min treatment €25 Laser TreatmentLaser therapy on acupuncture points have a similar effect to acupuncture, without producing any sensation and can be used for all pain conditions such as: * Neckpain and pain in shoulders and back 60 min treatment €40 Weight Loss AcupunctureAcupuncture for weight loss in combination with ultrasound and low frequency electrical stimulation for lasting results. NADA include acupuncture in the ear to reduce cravings etc. 70 min treatment €50 Cosmetic AcupunctureCosmetic acupuncture in combination with the Galvanic Spa System offers optimal results. It works not only on the face, but also uses points on the body because beauty is another word for balance, and comes from within. Acupuncture reduces wrinkles and lines, the muscles of the face lifted (using the same points as the facial to lift) the blood flow increases and your face gets a healthier colour and softness. Here in the West we have now discovered this fabulous alternative to recreating beauty without surgery or injections. The method is free from side effects and you notice results after just three treatments. 70 min treatment €50 More Information And AppointmentsFor more information or to make an appointment, please phone, call in, or use the contact form below.
Map[get-directions latlng="36.74574483505758, -3.8779056072235107" showroute="false" height="300px" width="400px" zoom="18" controls="true"]Map showing location of Acupuncture Clinic Nerja. Email UsClick here to go to the public comment form at the bottom of this page. To send us a private message, please fill in your details below.
Acupuncture Clinic Nerja Tel: 952 03 71 64 Permalink: Acupuncture Clinic Nerja
Address: 17 Calle Granada, Nerja, 29780
Posted in Health, Services, WELLBEING, by GingerHound on Thursday 20th of March 2014. Cached: 07/12/24 : 21:51:55Please Note All information is correct at the time of publication and is subject to change without prior notice. To confirm any details in advance of visiting, please phone or get in touch via email.
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