Blue Flags have been awarded to Nerja’s Burriana and Torrecilla beaches by the Spanish consumer association ADEAC. This is in sharp contrast to previous years when in addition Maro and El Playazo beaches also gained this prestigious award.
Last year El Playazo lost its Blue Flag when, during a snap inspection, a number of deficiencies were found, including illegally parked vehicles obstructing access, one vehicle parked on the beach itself, loud music and even a group of people having a barbecue. Making matters worse a 2011 Blue Flag was flying, rather than the 2012 version that the beach should have been displaying.
At Maro, problems were found with parking, with vehicles double-parked leaving only one lane open. The inspectors also noted that the rubbish needed to be collected more frequently. No problems were found with water quality at either beach.
Spain has a total of 648 Blue Flags, 551 for beaches and 97 for marinas, 10 more than last year, making Spain the European country with more Blue Flags than any other.