The long planned refurbishment works at the bottom of Calle Chapril have got underway. The council claims that the work is necessary due to the poor state of the pavements, making the street difficult to use.

The works involve the removal of the damaged pavements and kerbs and the relocation of the existing trees, despite a local campaign that was opposed to their removal. Nerja Infrastructure Antonio Councillor Garcia has stated that “it is necessary to move the trees that produced the damage to the pavements and replace them with new trees that will not cause damage.”. He added that “the trees that are removed will be replanted in the street near the fire station, where others have been planted from the same species, and none of them suffered impairment”.

The work is expected to take four months at a total cost of €125,000 and covers the section of the street from Avenida MediterrĂ¡neo (near to the Riu Monica hotel) up to Plaza Tutti Fruti.

Damage Caused By The Tree Roots On Calle Chaparil

Damage Caused By The Tree Roots On Calle Chaparil

Ever since the plans to remove the existing trees from Calle Chaparil were announced back in 2010, there has been a local campaign to stop this happening, with posters attached to the trees, demonstrations and online campaigns on Facebook.

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