A 31 year old man from Maro, with the initials M.C.C., has been jailed, accused of attempted murder of another Maro resident, a 50 year old man known as “El Burra” (The Donkey). The events took place on Wednesday the 31st of October, when the two men argued in an area called Las Viñas de Maro, around 1km from the N340 Nerja-Maro coast road.

The argument centred on the alleged victims flock of goats and sheep, which were supposedly feeding on land belonging to the jailed man. During the heated argument that ensued, M.C.C. pulled out a knife and repeatedly stabbed his victim in the abdomen, neck and back. Despite his injuries the victim was able to walk to the N340 and flagged down a car heading towards Nerja. The motorist took him to the health centre in Nerja, from where he was transferred to the hospìtal in Velez-Malaga.

The Guardia Civil immediately began a search for the alleged attacker, finding him at home in Maro, where he was arrested after a struggle.

The victim of the attack was released from hospital on Thursday morning, fortunately, despite having been stabbed twelve times, none of the wounds were serious. His alleged attacker was remanded into custody under orders of Torrox Criminal Court.

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