This year has been full of ups and downs!
I will try in this newsletter to get you up to date on the births, Deaths and New arrivals over the last 12 months!
First is the long awaiting arrival of Ozzie, Ginny’s Baby!After Waiting 6 months for her to give birth as we do not know when she conceived, she did it all by her self and Tomas woke up to find a bouncing baby boy!
Next came as a complete surprise when Zarina also gave birth a few weeks later! We think both of these babies are products of Caruso a young donkey we re homed around a year ago in Sierra Nevada.
Next came Lolita. Chica’s Baby, poor Chica had a few difficulties luckily for her it was the middle of the afternoon and help was at hand! One of our volunteers under telephone guidance from our Vet put on some gloves and had to pull lolita out! Chica was so exhausted she did not manage to get to her feet for another half an hour. Both Mum and Baby are doing well now.
Well that cover the births from the last 12 months!
Unfortunately in the past 12 months we have also lost some dearly loved animals too. These animals have all been part of the Sanctuary for many years and have enjoyed happy pain free years with us.
Pablo came to us many years ago as a Jack meaning un-castrated male donkey. As a result of lots of leg kickings from mares, he had lots of problems in his joints!. He also had deformed hooves.
After lots of supplements and pain killers, Pablo decided enough is enough.
He lay down one day and he never got back up.
In cases like Pablo’s it is our duty of care to put an animal to sleep.
Petra was one of our most loved animals by visitors and volunteers alike.
Over the years Petra has over come even the gravest of illnesses but at 42 years of age, she just couldn’t fight any more. She had been suffering with Laminitus for many years and the pain became too much.
Bolera was one of our original animals from when we opened the site.
Bolera was known for knocking over all the other animals to get to the feed buckets.
Unfortunately Bolera was charging around trying to get to the buckets and she fell on a fence and damaged her windpipe.
Whenever an animal passes away it is incredibly difficult for the volunteers and visitors alike but we have to try and remember what a wonderful life they had whilst they were with us .
New Residents
Rosie is approx 31 years old, She came to us on New Years Eve as one of our volunteers was extremely concerned about her rapid weight loss! It would seem Rosie had lost her back teeth so is unable to chew any hay or hard feed so to combat this problem we mush her food up and feed her 7 times a day!
Rosie was living at a local riding stable, after teaching lots of local children to ride she is now Retired and living out her years at the Sanctuary.
Sedella is in her 20’s she was reported to us after her owner was taken to hospital with fatal Cancer, Chica as she was originally known, lived in a town called Sedella, she had very overgrown hooves and now requires regular remedial shoeing.
Donald the Duck came to live with us after a passing neighbour was seen holding him as a tiny duckling, who was certainly detined for the pot! So we took him in and gave him a pen next to Peggy our wild boar piglet, within minutes they were talking through the chicken wire, and later that day seen sleeping side by side with only the wire separting them. So we decided after much deliberation to try and mix them. Now they are inseparable
Adopt a resident
Nearly all of the residents in the sanctuary are available for adoption, don’t worry you don’t have to take the animal home with you, you get a certificate for your animal and regular updates about how the sanctuary and your adopted friend are coming along.
We are open everyday for visitors from 10-2/5-6pm, we have a pony club on Saturdays from 10,30 please call Helen for an appointment 664558133.
We also run a disabled riding project called Hipo therapy for an appointment or to help out please call Harriet 618467575
Great fun for kids and adults. Find us on the map: We’re on the western edge of town a few minutes walk from the Supersol supermarket next to the Rio Chillar river. If you’re getting a taxi ask for the “Nerja Burros”. You can bring carrots and feed the donkeys by hand.
This Coming Year is going to be extremely hard for us, We currently have 32 equines in our care this is the most we have ever had, plus all the other farm yard friends we have approx 55 mouths to feed. The economic crisis In Spain is dire! With last years lack of rain the price of hay has reached 7euros a bail! We use about 8 a day plus the price of hard feed has shot up. At present it cost 100 Euros a day just to feed and pay the rent!
Apart from just staying open we need volunteers to help muck out, medicate the animals and meet and greet visitors!
We also desperately need to repair several of our fences that have either been knocked down mainly by Sedella or chewed by various donkeys.
We need waterproof rugs for the equines, wormers, riding tack, electric fencing poles, hoof oil, animalintex, vet wrap, iodine. Any kind of medical treatment for equines you have or might not need.
Every little helps!
We really need your HELP! Without your support we will not be able to stay open.
There are various ways you can help
Adopt a Donkey for 25 Euros per Year
Buy a Calendar 14 Euros inc postage
Or set up a regular donation through Paypal or our Bank Account details below
Banco Popular Nerja No: 0075-1458-25 060-00108-86
IBAN ES3700751458250600010886 BIC POPUESMM
More info?
You can find out more about us, adopt a donkey or donate by card or PayPal at
Information about volunteering, school visits or opening hours call (+34) 618467575.
Rescues call Harriet on 618 46 7575. Fund raising or helping at the car boot stall email
You can donate in Sterling or Euros with cheques payable to Nerja Donkey Sanctuary.
Postal address (must include our president’s name) Katherine Horne, Nerja Donkey Sanctuary, Apartado de Correos 414, Nerja, 29780, Málaga, Spain.
The Nerja Donkey Sanctuary is a registered Spanish not for profit charity number 7502