Nerja marked this years International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women (in Spanish “El día contra la violencia de género”) on Sunday with various events around the town.

The events started in the council offices when an official statement against gender violence was read out by Nerja’s Mayor, José Alberto Armijo, the Councillor for Equality, Gema Garcia, and representatives from the other political groups. A minute’s silence for the victims was then held, followed by a rally outside the church on the Balcon de Europa in the place where a young Argentinian woman, Cecilia Coria, was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in September 2008. Candles were lit and placed on a white bow whilst the names of other victims of gender violence were read out.

Councillor for Equality, Gema Garcia, expressed her desire that one day it would not be necessary to hold the International Day Against Gender Violence “once we have ended this social evil.” She highlighted the work done by the Municipal Centre for Women, reporting that the number of inquiries had increased, but abuse has not, “which means that more and more women are encouraged to use the resources that the Council offers. “. The events concluded at 1.45pm with the candles left to burn for the rest of the day.

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