The first bull run of the annual San Fermin festival was held in the Basque town of Pamplona this morning, starting at 8am. Six bulls, ranging in weight from 520kg up to 570kg ran the 850m course in 2m 53s. One runner was gored in the leg and another escaped major injury when he was dragged down the street for 10m with his shirt caught on the horn of one of the bulls.

San Fermin is the most popular and most famous of all Spanish fiestas and is known throughout the world and visited each year by thousands of foreign tourists. This fame is down to the infamous “ Encierro” or the “Running of the Bulls”, a dangerous tradition where thousands of locals line the streets of Pamplona ’s old town and run the gauntlet will six half ton bulls over an 800 metre stretch. There is much more to the festival than just the “Encierro” and they include a lot of other ancient traditions as well as a fair dose of drinking and partying.

For more information on the San Fermin festival click here.

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