On Friday 9th of November at 9pm the Nerja Cultural Centre will be hosting the VI Encuentro de Coros Rocieros with all proceeds going to the Nerja Hermandad Virgen del Carmen.

The Virgen Del Carmen is the patron saint of fishermen and sailors and every July the statue of the Virgen is paraded through the streets of Nerja, before being launched on a boat from Torrecilla beach and sailing round to Calahonda beach.

The concert is organised by the Peña Nerjeña and features three separate choirs; Coro Rociero del Centro de Mayores de Nerja, Coro Rociero Aromas de Sedella and El Coro Rociero de la Peña Nerja (as seen in the video above).

Tickets are €5 and can be purchased in advance from the Cultural Centre.

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