Semana Santa (Easter) holiday week has got underway with beach weather in the morning and rain in the afternoon. Temperatures reached almost 20ºC at midday and holidaymakers were out on the beaches enjoying the warm sunshine. Cloud and rain followed later in the afternoon. The outlook for the rest of the week is mixed, with temperatures of over 20ºC on some days and cloud and rain on others. Tomorrow, Palm Sunday, there is a parade from Plaza Angustias down to the church at the Balcon de Europa starting at midday.

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Click on an image to view.
Wednesday 17th of March 2021 Strolling on the Balcón de Europa
Saturday 18th of May 2019 Nerja Ruta de la Tapa 2019
Wednesday 15th of May 2019 San Isidro Procession, Nerja 2019
Wednesday 13th of December 2017 Nerja Christmas Illuminations 2017
Monday 19th of October 2015 Maroween 2015 – It’s Like Halloween But With Potatoes
Wednesday 30th of September 2015 Nerja Feria 2015 Preparations Get Underway

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