One of the most popular summer excursions in Nerja, is a walk up the Rio Chillar, starting in an area known as Los Cahorros. However, this walk has become a victim of its own success, with too many people going there and too many cars trying to park at the entrance, especially on summer weekends. Visitors have also been failing to respect the natural environment, dumping their rubbish (including their water sodden shoes) as they go.

Nerja council have now decided to take action and are going to install a barrier to block vehicle access near to the large eucalyptus tree which is located just past the access lane to the quarry (which is currently used for parking) at Los Almachares.

Instead the council are preparing a free car park on Calle del Mirto, which they claim will be large enough to accommodate all the visitors vehicles, however this will mean a long walk with no shade to the start of the river walk itself, a move which is bound to substantially reduce visitor numbers.

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