After last month’s embarrassing news that the Blue Flags for beach quality were under threat at two of Nerja’s most popular beaches, the council have announced that the flags can fly again.
ADEAC, the Spanish Association of Environmental and Consumer Education that awards the Blue Flags, carried out a snap inspection on Saturday the 21st of July. The inspectors found several deficiencies at Torrecilla and Burriana beach that would warrant the removal of Blue Flag status unless immediate steps were taken to correct the problems.
Problems found at Burriana included rubbish on the road from the beach restaurants (rather than in the rubbish containers), old posters with out of date information, and the lack of oxygen equipment amongst the first-aid equipment on the beach.
Torrecilla’s problems included the need to mark the existing boat channel with a sign indicating that it is forbidden to swim in it, make repairs to the PA system, and include an information panel on the flag colours that indicate the sea state.
ADEAC has now confirmed that all the required work has been done and that the Blue Flags can continue to be flown at these two beaches.