Users of the Tripadviser website have been giving the Balcon de Europa in Nerja their ratings and comments over the past year and 95% of them have rated it as “excellent” or “very good”.

Since August 2011 until the start of September this year, tourists have added a total of 308 reviews and ratings. Of these, 163 consider the Balcon de Europa as “excellent”, representing 54.54 percent of those who responded, whilst 123 people, representing 39.93 percent, considered the Balcon “very good”.

6.49 per cent (20 people) rated the Balcon as “normal” and just two people, 0.64 percent considered it “bad”.

A tourist from Seville who was at the Balcon on the 21st of August, said it was “a place with many people but always spacious, great view, it was all very clean and lots of shops and bars around. ”

A visitor from Madrid wrote on June the 8th, that to be on the Balcon de Europa “is like being in a galleon. Try closing your eyes at the railings at the end of the Balcon, note the breeze and relax with the sound of the Mediterranean “.

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