This year’s Chestnut and Sweet Potato Fiesta, also known as Maroween, will take place as usual on October the 31st, Halloween night. For the first time, this year’s festival will last for three days, ending on the 2nd of November. The festival opens on Friday 31st at 6pm in Calle Real where there will be a street market. There will also be a tapas trail, with an award for people who visit all the establishments on the route.

There will be live music at 11pm in the main square Sweet roast chestnuts and sweet potatoes will be given out free to all those attending this very popular event.

On Saturday the 1st of November, the market will open at 11am and there will be live entertainment in the main square from 8pm.

On Sunday the 2nd of November the market again opens at 11am and there will be live music at 1pm in the square.

There will be a special hourly coach service to Maro during the festival, from 6pm to 2.30am on Friday and from midday to 2.30am on Saturday, with stops at the Hotel Mónica, Hotel Jimesol, Clínica Rincón, Ermita, Kiosco Cerica and Mara.

Photos from last years Maroween are here.

Maro is a small village a few kilometres along the coast from Nerja and is easily reached by bus or taxi or even on foot.

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