Today is Palm Sunday and the first procession of Semana Santa (Easter Week) will take place today starting at the Ermita de Nuestra Senora De Las Angustias (pictured) at noon. The procession will end at the Iglesia de el Salvador at the Balcon de Europa and will go down Calles Angustias, Pintada, Puerta del Mar, Balcon de Europa.
There are more procession throughout the week, with the largest being on Easter Sunday. The route of the marches are similar although the one on Easter Sunday is longer. Details of the main parades are shown below, but there are many other religious events (including masses) on during the easter week. You can pick up a leaflet in the Tourist Information Office with full details if you wish to attend.
Wednesday 27th of March 2013
Iglesia de el Salvador
7.30pm Procession of Jesus Cautivo and Maria Santisima.
Route: Puerta del Mar, Pintada, Angustias, Ermita, Granada, Cavana, Carmen and the Balcon de Europa.
Thursday 28th of March 2013
9.30pm Procession of Jesus Nazareno.
Route: Puerta del Mar, Pintada, Cantarero, Mendez Nunez, Bronce, Angustias, Ermita, Granada, Cavana, Carmen and the Balcon de Europa.
Good Friday 29th of March 2013
9.30pm Procession of Santo Entierro
Route: Puerta del Mar, Pintada, Cantarero, Mendez Nunez, Bronce, Angustias, Ermita, Granada, Cavana, Carmen and the Balcon de Europa.
Sunday 31st of March 2013
12 noon – procession of Jesus Resurrected from El Salvador church on the Balcon de Europa.
Route: Puerta del Mar, Pintada, Arropiero, Huertos, Frigiliana, Carretas, Pintada, Angustias, Ermita, Granada, Carmen and the Balcon de Europa.